How does the Porzellan Manufaktur Nymphenburg define “sustainability”?

Instead of a constant stream of new products, we should continue to use what we have, particularly if no quality concerns stand in the way. Many inherited pieces of Nymphenburg porcelain are now gathering dust in cupboards instead of bringing pleasure in daily use. This inspired us to launch Generation T. The idea for this initiative came from the desire to breathe new life into plates, cups and bowls that had fallen out of fashion but were nonetheless of superlative quality.


Instead of a constant stream of new products, we should continue to use what we have, particularly if no quality concerns stand in the way.


Is “circular” the new “sustainable”?

It should be. Unfortunately, people are too afraid to use our porcelain. The finer and higher-quality the pieces, the less likely they are to see everyday use. And that’s a shame! In Generation T, inherited or second-hand items of Nymphenburg porcelain can be painted with designs by Hella Jongerius. Their desirability restored, they can once again return to their original function as tableware.


What kind of materials have a future?

Materials that were designed to last a lifetime (and beyond). Generation T is an initiative by Porzellan Manufaktur Nymphenburg and designer Hella Jongerius to counter the waste of precious resources, both material and human, which are becoming increasingly valuable in the porcelain manufacturing process.