How much nature is there in modern technology?

The technology installed in the concert hall at Bergson Kunstkraftwerk uses an active acoustics system, which can reproduce natural acoustics so faithfully that audiences do not notice the difference. Composers can even use an active acoustics system as a tool. All the great composers have exploited the technological opportunities available in their eras to the full, or even developed new possibilities. The boundaries between technology and nature blend and blur, because the world of emotions experienced by the audience is always natural and genuine.


The boundaries between technology and nature blend and blur, because the world of emotions experienced by the audience is always natural and genuine.


How closely will technology be able to come to us – physically and mentally?

No AI has yet been able to replace human creativity. Of course it will learn, and of course it can perform computing tasks at enormously high speeds. Like a human genius. But technology should always be used as a conscious tool for creating art at the cutting edge of its time. Closeness to technology is good if it is perceived and controlled with intellectual awareness. For this to happen we need places, creative hubs, where this awareness can be developed as a shared experience. Bergson Kunstkraftwerk is such a place.


How can we retain our humanity in a virtual future?

We will do it automatically because, as Aristotle posits, we are a “zoon politikon,” a political animal that lives from the community. That community can be reproduced in virtual form, representing both an opportunity and a risk. But human contact, the shared experience live in a specific location, will always be unique in its directness, its physical impact. And it will become all the more sought after as our world becomes more virtual and more digitalized. Fostering this will be a core task of Bergson Kunstkraftwerk, and one that we’re hugely passionate about embracing.